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发一个俄罗斯外的佛教理解 大家批判的看一下

发表于 2017-1-8 16:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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惭愧 应该去修行的

But the main objective of anapansati is not to bring about any changes in your breathing pattern; the main objective is just observing your breath as it is. Because when you observe your breathing, and ob serve it constantly, by and by you begin to separate yourself from it; there occurs a gap between you and your breath. Because when someone observes something, immediately the observer becomes separate from the observed.

大概意思 观息使你成为一个观察者 从而把你从这个行为分离出去

Anapansati yoga brings about your separation from the body; you really experience it.


Anapansati is a significant technique; it makes you the witness, the witnessing soul


Actually, when breathing has reached its full intensity and a gap is created between you and your body, when your sleeping and awakened parts seem to be separate from each other, then you will begin to move to your awakened part. At this stage the body ceases to need oxygen any more. Now it is good that the body goes into sleep, that it becomes inert, as good as dead. Now your life force does not move toward the body, instead it begins to move toward the soul.

当你观息到一定程度的的时候 你会不需要呼吸 你的生命力会与灵魂更加接近

Therefore it is as it should be that breathing slows down and becomes thin and feeble. Breathing was useful to awaken the energy, and once the energy is awake, breathing ceases to be useful.
呼吸变的越来越慢 因为呼吸是用来唤醒潜伏的能量的 当能量被唤醒的时候 呼吸也就没有用了
这里的能量后面有提到 就是拙火

As you go deeper in meditation your breathing becomes slower and slower; as if breathing has rarified. It is because you don't need any oxygen at that depth of meditation. Oxygen was necessary at its initial stage. It is like I turn a key in the lock to open a door. Need I continue turning the key even after it has done its job? Now the key is useless. It hangs by the lock and I am inside the room.

It will slow down to a halt, and a moment will come when everything will seem to have come to a standstill. In fact, this is the moment-when breathing stops half-way between inhalation and exhalation-when you are in a state of utter balance, when you are in ecstasy or samadhi. In this very moment you know existence-not life.
出入息会变慢 当你到达入息和出息中间的一个停顿的时候 (估计这个时候能量已经激活了)你就入定了 在这个时候 你将认识“存在” 而不是 “生命”

Understand this difference between knowing life and knowing existence. In samadhi you know existence-not life. Your knowledge of life is linked with your breathing, because life is oxygen, it is a part of breath. In samadhi you know the existence where breathing is wholly unnecessary.
存在和生命是不同的 生命与呼吸相关 而在定中 存在并不需要呼吸

Remember, that which is beyond death is beyond life, too. Therefore we cannot say that God is alive; it would be absurd to say so. Since he is not subject to death, it is meaningless to call him alive. Life is relative to death; the one cannot be without the other. God has no life; he has existence-rather he is existence itself. Of course, we living beings are alive, we have life. When we come out of existence, we have life. And it is our death when we return to existence again.
在这里他讲的 通常意义的神 但我觉得他讲得是佛 是无生的 因为它无死 所以“存在”在这里就是佛教里面不生不灭的意思
当我们从不生不灭中出来的时候 我们就有了生命 死亡之后我们又会回归这种状态
我查了下 没有呼吸是四禅 所以四禅 并不是涅槃 但是这个就是外道见解了 跟无闻比丘一样 但是能修到这个程度 个人觉得是很不容易的

About four years ago a Buddhist monk came to me from Ceylon. He had been going without sleep for three years. He was given every kind of medical treatment, but it did not work. Medicine could not work because the bhikkhu had been practicing anapansati yoga-a special kind of breathing discipline in vogue among the Buddhists. It consists in watching one's deep breath day in and day out. Now the person who had taught him anapansati yoga did not know that if one watched his deep breath through twenty-four hours of the day, he would lose his sleep completely. Then it would be impossible for him to get any sleep.
To make the matter worse, the bhikkhu was be ing given sleeping pills while he was doing anapansati. It created a great conflict in his body and he was really in a mess. While the drugs were trying to induce sleep in him, constant watchfulness of the breath was keep ing him awake.
Consequently a kind of deadlock, a crisis was created in his body, as will happen in a car if both its accelerator and brake are applied simultaneously. It was evident that the bhikkhu was in terrible suffering.
Somebody told him about me and so he came. As soon as I saw him I knew that he was in the grip of a kind of madness. he had put himself in an impossible situation. I asked him to stop the anapanasati yoga immediately. But he wanted to know what anapanasati had to do with his loss of sleep. He had no idea that constant awareness of deep breathing had increased the amount of his oxygen so much that his sleep had vanished. I also told him that if he could not give up anapansati, he should then stop taking sedatives and go without sleep. If he continued with his anapansati, he could easily do without sleep; it would do him no harm at all.

When the bikkhu stopped anapanasati for only eight days, his sleep returned to him, and he had no use for any sedatives.

讲的是一个比丘经过长年的观息而不需要睡觉的事情 但是很有意思的是 他不喜欢这样 所以放弃了观息 就又可以睡觉了

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